LB575 Sports & Spaces Report

The vote that killed LB575. Defeated by 2 votes, Riepe and Brandt decided not to vote 😑

We’re going to be very blunt here, so if you’re sensitive about calling out “our own,” all the info you need is above.

First and foremost, the current rules on cloture and the ability to be present and not voting are a problem. We SHOULD have heard Erdman’s rule to reduce the number for cloture if a Senator chooses to be Present Not Voting. The business of the legislature and will of the people should not be thwarted by the actions of cowards who derelict from their duty as a representative TO VOTE!!!

This right here is exactly why we must Vet Our Candidates! Riepe especially was advertised as a strong Republican, and even though we, NAGO, knew this not to be true, our elections are easily manipulated due to the poor education on how to vet/select candidates. (This is a country wide problem, not just here in NE, and a disservice of our public education)

Lastly, our Unicameral is heading into the final days of the session this year. Today was the last day for bills on General File. Anything not heard, will not be making it to the floor. There are still several more bills to support and oppose that are on Select and Final Reading. We will send out another update this weekend to dive into that.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to participate! Today was mighty disappointing, but if there’s one thing we know about Senator Kauth, she doesn’t give up over one upset, and we certainly don’t either! #NAGO #PreservingOurLiberty #PatriotsRising

Published by Nebraskans Against Government Overreach

Nebraskans Against Government Overreach is a grassroots group dedicated to halting the government overreach affecting citizens across Nebraska, preserving the Liberty of Nebraskans and raising public awareness on informed consent and individual civil rights.

5 thoughts on “LB575 Sports & Spaces Report

  1. I wrote to the cowards and the Speaker. I was respectful, but this is simply unacceptable! Can it be taken up again next session? They also killed the Winner Take All bill! Ridiculous! Charlie Kirk is holding a rally in Omaha next Tuesday, but not sure how effective that will be. I wrote to the Governor asking for a special session for this!

  2. This needs to be shouted from the roof tops the next time these 2 cowards run for office & claim to represent conservative values!

  3. If they are present and getting paid they should be made to vote or REMOVE them for not doing their job!

  4. I get Riepe. He’s owned by the AMA.
    But what’s Brandt’s deal?

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