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LR24CA: Info. Contacts. NAGO Interview

NAGO founder and leader, Allie French, interviewed with KLNTV to discuss LR24CA which would eliminate the State Board of Education.

During discussion over the past couple years, and even as recent as last week, NAGO members are majorly in favor of disbanding the SBOE and returning control to the local school districts.

You can watch the news segment here:

Some have referred to this board as a runaway entity who’s spending isn’t justified by measurable successes. While we have newly elected, and dedicated board members, the negative attributes far outweigh the positives.

We recognize LR24CA isn’t perfect. There is concern, rightly so, in establishing a position appointed by the governor… while you have a good Governor, you can expect a good Commissioner… you have a bad Governor, you likely end up with a crappy Commissioner. Now, it is important to note, the only power granted by the Governor is the appointment itself, any other delegated duties would come from the unicameral beyond the administrative and general supervisory related decisions.

So, is eliminating the SBOE and creating a singular Commissioner appointed by the governor a reasonable solution?
How would we ensure accountability?
Is there legislation that can be recommended to the unicameral that provides the necessary checks and balances?
What are the potential negatives, and do they actually justify maintaining a money pit of a board majorly run by representatives unconcerned with fostering successful students?
It would immediately eliminate several agenda driven “representatives” that have been responsible for attempting to introduce inappropriate standards throughout the years.
It would give us one individual receiving a salary funded by taxpayer dollars, rather than 8.
It could restore additional control back to local school districts; in many ways decentralizing much of our public education system.

At this time, and as we work through these questions and thoughts, it leaves NAGO with the stance that LR24CA should be given the opportunity to be voted on by the people of this state.

Let We the People decide!

LR24CA – Constitutional amendment to eliminate the State Board of Education and provide for the Governor to appoint the Commissioner of Education

Consider Emailing/Calling the Education Committee with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Sponsor of Bill: Senator Albrecht,

Email the Education Committtee:
Sen. Dave Murman, Chairperson,
Sen. Joni Albrecht,
Sen. Tom Briese,
Sen. Danielle Conrad,
Sen. Lou Ann Linehan,
Sen. Rita Sanders,
Sen. Lynne Walz,
Sen. Justin Wayne,

More updates to come. The unicameral is currently in recess for the next 2 weeks. They will resume, with public hearings beginning, on January 25th. Important details and schedules hearings pertinent to the efforts and values of NAGO will be posted weekly! Make sure you’re signed up to recieve our announcements and weekly schedule directly to your inbox.

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