Site icon Nebraskans Against Government Overreach

Nebraska Election Laws Research

Working through Nebraska state election laws… Check. This. Out. 👀

(1993) At the time of a recount – BOTH candidates were present, BOTH candidates could examine ballots and envelopes, ACTUALLY human beings were once able to (and by law should still be able to) physically examine and count the ballots for a truly HONEST and TRANSPARENT election franchise.

It’s amazing the audacity of our Nebraska Secretary of State Election Commission office and various County Election Commission offices that are failing to provide this transparency and honesty.

It’s time for major overhaul of our election system if our current administration is unable to uphold and fulfill their duties to the citizens of Nebraska.

… we’re not done yet. 🇺🇸 Accountability will be upheld. Please continue to reach out to our elected officials to do their job and PROVE our elections to be free and fair.

SoS Election Commission –

SoS Bob Evnan –

***Contact the AG: &

‼️ Reminder: Candidates of Nebraska elections, you have a right and special ability to ensure these elections were conducted properly.

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